Saturday, September 20, 2008

Day 8

This is what Montana looked like through our windshield. Note the bug remains on the windshield. We've orphaned a lot of larvae on our trip, neither one of us is proud.Yes, we can in Boise, Idaho. I don't think Obama needs help here...
This is a park in Boise, Idaho by the state capitol building. If there's a port-a-potty "Bermuda Triangle" somewhere, this is where they end up.
Not a lot of pictures today as it poured rain most of the way through Idaho. Stopping for the night in Baker City, Oregon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Noah wanted to know if you took a dump in there? by the way we had baked beans the other night and noah told me "Ya know mommy these are called fart beans." Surprise suprise the first meal I make at home in months and it contains baked beans.)